Bishnois: Environment Crusaders by Birth

The Bishnoi community of Rajasthan is the kind of community the makers of the movie Avatar would have been inspired from. These worshippers of nature, live by only one code of conduct and that is to live and let live, without bringing harm to any of Mother Earth’s creatures. From creating havoc in one gun loving film star’s life to living each day following the 29 principles revolving around loving and protecting the environment, this community is the role model India and the world needs if we seriously want the Earth to live on.

Dugongs: The Gentle Sea Cows

The name Dugong probably may not ring a bell to most. Otherwise known as Sea-cow, Dugongs are marine mammals akin to sharks, whales, seals and dolphins. These are harmless underwater animals, big in size and feed only on sea grass, coming on to the surface of water at regular intervals to breathe like whales and Gangetic Dolphins. They spend most of their time feeding on sea grass; because of this, their habitat is restricted to coastal waters of Indo-west –Pacific tropics and ranges across 37 nations. Once found in abundance, today their species are in extreme danger due to uncontrolled mechanized fishing, poaching and habitat loss. Dugongs are categorised as threatened species coming under the IUCN Red list. Quite a few important conservation measures are being undertaken by organisations including Government of India.

Specialised Counter Poaching Training for Asia’s Forest Rangers

In an altogether different kind of offensive, an intense counter poaching operations training is being undertaken by around 50 park rangers of Asia including India in an effort to save and provide security to Asia’s forest reserves. Named ARREST (Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking), the program is aimed at equipping forest rangers with improved patrolling techniques and law enforcement. The two week long training course, is being funded by the US Government.

Past Week in Pictures: 1 Aug – 6 Aug

Indian animal volunteer Dharmeshbhai  rescued two monitor lizards that are now safe at the Animal Care Charitable Trust in Ahmedabad, India. Monitor Lizards are categorized under Schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act. Maneka Gandhi chairs organization People for Animals with a nationwide network of 2.5 lakh members, 160 units and 26 hospitals. PFA […]

Past Week in Pictures

The 2012 International Conservation Photography Awards has been announced. This biennial juried competition will allow photographers to send entries to several categories all related to nature and wildlife. The competions was started by acclaimed nature photographer, Art Wolfe in 1997. 100 best entries will be chosen by jury members and for the first time Burke […]

Saving One Baby at a Time

The Grizzled Giant Squirrels are a species endemic to the Western Ghats of India. It is in the same region that the native Paliyan tribe has been living for centuries. While modern civilization has touched their lives only recently, these tribesmen continue to harbor their affection for nature and all its creatures. That is why when a baby grizzled giant squirrel fall from a tree nest accidently, it is safely nurtured in the tribal homes.

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