Indian Rhino: Surviving The Hunt

“Ambling on without a care in the world”, is how one British hunter-naturalist described that most formidable of Indian mega-herbivores, the rhinoceros. Indeed, there was a time when the Indian rhinoceros dominated the wet, swampy grasslands situated in the north of the Indian subcontinent. Seals of the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation of the 3rd century […]

The Women Who Live Alongside Rhinos In India

This is a guest post by Bikash Kumar Bhattacharya, republished from Mongabay with permission.  Kasema Khatun’s tiny, thatched-roof house lies just a few feet from the swaying elephant grass thickets of Orang National Park, a 78-square-kilometer (30-square-mile) protected area in the northeastern Indian state of Assam. Like the other residents of Rangagora Village, it is […]

IUCN Heritage Hero Is Indian Conservationist Bibhuti Lahkar

He has worked tirelessly for close to 20 years for the protection of wildlife at the Manas National Park in India. Now, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has recognised him as the people’s choice, Heritage Hero – Indian conservationist Bibhuti Lahkar, for his dedication to the conservation of India’s Manas Wildlife Sanctuary. Bibhuti Lahkar […]

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