"Saving one animal won't change the world, but it will change the world for that ONE animal."

India’s Corporate World set to Save Tigers through ‘India Wildlife Business Council’

The corporate sector is always criticized for thinking more on the economic growth than the ecological safety. In order to provide the corporate sector of India with a concrete body that helps them in working for the protection of endangered species like the tiger, the World Bank and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has teamed up to create the world’s first Wildlife Business Council.

A Man who Made a Forest

Nothing is simpler than planting a tree and yet not many really pick up the spade to toil under the sun and nurture a plant. That is why what Jadav Payeng has been doing for the past 30 years is incredible. He has not only made tree plantation a life time hobby but converted a barren land into a lush green 550 hectare forest in Assam which is now home to five tigers

Rhinos get a Unique Identity Number

For the first time in the country, Rhinos will be recognized by their unique identity number. In an effort that will help immensely in proper tracking and protection of wild Rhinos, the first unique identity number has been allotted to a Rhino is Dudhwa Tiger Reserve.

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