Western Ghat Aquatic Species plunging towards Extinction Warns IUCN

There is a new fear that has gripped biologists in recent times owing to a number of studies and research done on marine species around the world. The fear is that over fishing is killing many small and big fishes in masses, pushing them towards extinction at a very fast pace. The threat is now being felt closer home in India, as an IUCN study reveals that aquatic freshwater species in the western ghats are showing ‘tendencies of extinction’.

Saving One Baby at a Time

The Grizzled Giant Squirrels are a species endemic to the Western Ghats of India. It is in the same region that the native Paliyan tribe has been living for centuries. While modern civilization has touched their lives only recently, these tribesmen continue to harbor their affection for nature and all its creatures. That is why when a baby grizzled giant squirrel fall from a tree nest accidently, it is safely nurtured in the tribal homes.

Bottom Trawling Fishing Method Bulldozing over Marine Life

IUCN recently declared that fishing is one of the biggest threats to marine animals. Not only is the unrestricted fishing in world oceans causing mass populations of fishes to eradicate, it is also indirectly harming the ecosystem and leading many big and small species to death. One of the fishing practices adopted by Indian fisherman called bottom trawling is only making the situation even worse.

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