Roughing it…comfortably!

Treading on the dirt path is part and parcel of trekking but sometimes even the most seasoned trekkers long for a little comfort when they’ve been on the go for a while. A soft bed and a hot drink when high up in the mountains sounds very tempting and many ardent trekkers have found the perfect solution in home-stays and tea house treks. The concept of staying with the locals rather than in tents and hotels has caught on big time with the adventurous youth today.

Romancing the Rains

It is the time of the year when Indian skies are covered with gray skies and engulfed with the South West monsoon winds originating from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The heavy clouds begin to pour and the rains quench the thirst of the parched dry Earth. It is Monsoon in India.

Corbett Tigers get the E-eye

The 800 sq. km of Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand is now ready to fit in to a small tv screen. India’s first national park has now also become the first reserve to be equipped with E-eye high-tech infrared and thermal imaging cameras, that will allow 24×7 surveillance of the tiger reserve.

Researchers create first Snow Leopard stem cells

The white skinned leopards of the high altitude have for centuries lived a nomadic and isolated life in the snow peaked mountains of Central Asia. Born shy, no one knows for certain how many of the snow leopards today live in the wild, but that their numbers is diminishing is a given, looking at the conditions of the modern world. In order to make sure that the species can be genetically bred and preserved from extinction; scientists have now created for the very first time stem cells from the ear tissue of a snow leopard.

Leopards: Victims of the Man-animal Conflict

It was not too long ago that pictures and videos of a leopard cornered and killed in an eastern state of India flooded the internet and new channels across the globe. Conservationists cried at the loss of another life, but when the choice is between the animal and human lives, it is almost certain that the animal will be the last to be saved. What is sad is that the incident was not a lone case of a wild animal, specifically a leopard venturing into a human settlement. In fact, since January this year 261 leopards across the country have already died, many due to rise in the human animal conflict

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