Leopards: Victims of the Man-animal Conflict

It was not too long ago that pictures and videos of a leopard cornered and killed in an eastern state of India flooded the internet and new channels across the globe. Conservationists cried at the loss of another life, but when the choice is between the animal and human lives, it is almost certain that the animal will be the last to be saved. What is sad is that the incident was not a lone case of a wild animal, specifically a leopard venturing into a human settlement. In fact, since January this year 261 leopards across the country have already died, many due to rise in the human animal conflict

Lesser Floricans getting lesser and lesser in India

The Lesser Florican is one of the smallest bustards of the world and bird that prefers to live in grasslands. But latest census by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) sadly predicts that the birds are losing their home as well as their numbers in the country. From 238 of these birds recorded in 1999 in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh the number has dropped to merely 84.

India Second in the List of Shark-Catching Nations

The predator of the marine world may be much feared in the waters, but it seems the shark is the one that is living a fearful life in the coastlines of India. According to a report compiled by TRAFFIC, a global wildlife trade monitor and the Pew Environment Group, India has been ranked second in a list of top 20 shark catching nations of the world. Surpassed only by Indonesia, this is a ranking that will shame conservationists across the nation.

Indian Scientists plan to create a Virtual Fence to Save Forest Animals

Finally Wildlife of India is getting some high-tech attention. A team of scientists have planned to use surveillance technology and Information Technology for creating a ‘Virtual Fence’ to prevent wild animals from straying into human habitation. The proposal has a holistic approach intended to monitor poaching and illegal activities. It is also aimed to protect both man and wild animals

Jerdon’s Courser: A Precious Rarity

Jerdon’s Courser is extremely rare bird found only in a small part of Andhra Pradesh. Despite being listed as critically endangered by IUCN, there is little that is known about the Jerdon’s Courser. It seems the idiom “Out of sight is out of mind” holds perfectly true for this shy bird. Because the bird is nocturnal and not very keen to publicize its presence, only a handful of people have attempted to know more about this species that is one of the fifty rarest birds of the world. Here is what we do know about it…

Mining, a death-knell for The Great Indian Bustard

The infamous Bellary region in Karnataka is once again in news, this time not only for illegal plundering of mineral wealth of the state. The repercussion of extensive, destructive mining has resulted in the near extinction of the Great Indian Bustard which were once the pride of Karnataka’s bird life. A major shift in traditional farming practices also have contributed to their dwindling grass land habitat.

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