Tree Frog Found Again After 150 Years

A tree frog thought to have become extinct and not seen for 150 years was rediscovered in North east India. The discovery was made by renowned Indian biologist Sathyabhama Das Biju and a team of scientists. The frog has been named Frankixalus jerdonii. After studying the amphibian the scientists have reclassified it as an entirely […]

Increased Frog Leg demand Threatening Amphibians to Extinction

Man’s increased preference for frog legs to satisfy his palate has been posing a great threat to the survival of amphibians round the world driving them to near extinction. The first ever comprehensive study on frog leg market reveals how their reduced numbers and extinction can have devastating effect on the environment and the natural ecosystems; the situation warrants immediate action by way of stopping use of frog species for international trade.

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