"Saving one animal won't change the world, but it will change the world for that ONE animal."

Amazing Photographs of Striped Hyena Mother and Cub

Wildlife photographer Rajesh Pardeshi had been on the lookout for days for the nocturnal striped hyenas, an endangered species. But being an animal that prowls in the night, the task to spot it was a difficult one. The photographer though got lucky when one mother hyena brought her pups out of a hidden burrow and allowed Rajesh to take some amazing pictures in broad daylight!

Temple Elephants head for a Rejuvenation Camp

13 year old Parvathi, looked quite happy boarding her truck as she looked forward to the 48 day rejuvenation camp planned for her at the cool Madumalai forests. The resident elephant of the famous Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple will join 34 more temple elephants to roam in the wilderness and relax at the Theppakadu elephant camp […]

Scientists Develop Model to Predict Human-Elephant Conflict Zones

In Indian states like Assam and Kerala where the elephant population of the country is maximum the everyday battles between humans and elephants has become a cause of serious worry. No one can ask the elephants to restrict themselves just to the protected areas of the forest and avoid contact with humans, on the other hand humans too cannot be uprooted from their villages and farms. To ease the tension a team of scientists in Kerala have come up with a prediction model that helps predict possible zones where elephants might tread and come face to face with humans. If the statistical model works, it can be a huge boon in curbing the growing man animal conflicts.

Environment Ministry given Peanuts to Save the Environment

Going green it seems is not an easy task even if you happen to be the Ministry of Environment and Forest. Shockingly, the country is spending only 0.012 per cent of its GDP for addressing its primary green concerns including climate change, conservation of lakes and rivers, biodiversity, forests and wildlife, ensuring the welfare of animals and prevention and abatement of pollution.

Overharvesting Killing Life Saving Plants

North east India is a treasure trove of plant species. The region has been ranked as the sixth of the 25 mega diversity hotspot regions of the world. But sadly indiscriminate use of medicinal plants from the region is destroying the biodiversity and leaving little hope for the plants existence in future.

Forest Department begins Mapping Eco-Sensitive Zones

The areas bordering national parks and reserves are usually rich in natural flora and fauna. The abuse of the biodiversity is also greatest in these areas as they do not fall under any protection frame. But now the forest department is trying to map the land use pattern within a radius of 10 km around national parks so as to protect these biodiversity areas and ecological corridor links.

Garuda Staging a Comeback

In pages of Indian mythology, the mythical bird Garuda has a pivotal role. Considered as the carrier of Lord Vishnu, this bird is said to have such large wingspan that it can shade the sun. But in the real world, the bird that is biologically known as the Greater Adjuntant and popularly called the Garuda is endangered. Now, Four years after these birds of the stork family started nesting and breeding in Bihar’s Bhagalpur district, their number has increased four-fold – from 78 to over 300.

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