"Saving one animal won't change the world, but it will change the world for that ONE animal."

Will a Poacher have the Last Laugh?

If there is a face of terror in the animal world, it has to be that of Sansar Chand, a wildlife poacher whose lists of lifetime accomplishments include killing 250 tigers, 2,000 leopards, 5,000 otters, 20,000 wild cats, 20,000 wild foxes and hundreds of other unaccounted wildlife. Dubbed Verappan of the North, the 55 year […]

Conversation with the Gooty Tarantula

Who am I? My name is Gooty Tarantula. What are some of the other names given to me? I am also called, 1. Gooty sapphire ornamental tree spider, 2. Gooty sapphire, 3. Parachute peacock spider 4. Metallic tarantula 5. Peacock tarantula 6. Salepurgu …phew! Scientists call me – Poecilotheria metallica What is a tarantula? A […]

Natural Disaster or Cost of Ecological Sins?

I was visiting Uttarakhand exactly after a year. As the distant hills became visible and the anticipation of once again breathing the fresh mountain air grew, the heart plunged forward – already trekking up the slopes, hugging the Deodars, pines and oaks like a long lost friend. But the rendezvous was not exactly as I […]

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