Pigeon Brains Work just like Children

Their brains may be pea-sized, but a new study on pigeons reveal that the bird shows remarkable intelligence in recognizing, categorizing objects and even naming them, just like human children! Image via cc/Flickr There is a similarity between the way pigeons learn the equivalent of words and the way children do, found Ed Wasserman and […]

Leopards Prefer to Live Near Human Habitats

An international study of radio-collared leopards in India has led to an unusual and unexpected finding . Scientists say that the common belief that leopards found near human residences are mostly those that have strayed from the forest habitat might not be entirely true. It is now thought more likely that the leopard is a […]

Why the Ocean Ecosystem needs Whales

All species big and small have a role to play in the natural world defining the habitat and the ecosystem they live in. Now scientists have found the important tasks whales have been given to maintain the health of the oceans. A recent study shows that these giant mammals have an influence on global carbon […]

Save Genetic Diversity to Save Tigers

In a research published today (17 April) by Stanford scholars, scientists have found that it is not just numbers but genetic diversity that will help save the tigers from extinction. Having lost 90 percent of their historical habitat almost half of the 3000 wild tigers in the world today live in India in national parks […]

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