Slender Loris on the hit list of Poachers

Slender Lorises are the little known primates found in the southern states of India, especially in the Western Ghats and Karnataka. Till date very little is known about these nocturnal creatures, their habits or even their population. But now experts fear the species is under threat from poachers who are killing them in hundreds.

Corbett Tigers get a Complete Silence Zone

Tigers in India’s oldest national park had been lately subjected to the noise made by party goers, and tourists staying in the vicinity of the park and playing loud music till late in the night. But after a high court directive, the state government has now imposed a strict ban on noise pollution in a 500 metre radius across the park.

How Children can get Close to Nature

Children today are getting closer to technology but distant from nature. They listen to music on MP3 players but cannot recognize the sweet song and calls of the birds. They enjoy Jacuzzi baths and swimming pools but don’t know the joys of swimming in ponds or just diving into a free flowing stream. They watch videos about animals on the internet, but have never seen the magnificence of a lion in the wild. They play war games online, but do not know the exhilaration of climbing trees and skinning their knees in the process. The virtual world of computers has practically replaced every aspect of Nature.

250 more Rhinos in Assam

Conservation efforts at Assam’s Kaziranga National park are finally bearing fruits. As South Africa struggles with poaching threats to its rhino population, the Indian rhinos seem to be thriving with at least 250 more Rhinos recorded in the Assam sanctuary over a three year period.

What are you doing about Climate Change?

By 2050 the world’s population will be 9 billion plus and considering that we are already feeling rising temperature, and experiencing scarcity of resources like fuel and water, the catastrophe we are inching towards is a certainty. What then is the solution? Should we keep on living our lives in exactly the same fashion, wasting resources, polluting the environment, encroaching forests, cutting trees, abusing electricity and energy use and then blaming the government for the price hikes or should we re-learn to preserve and prevent a future disaster?

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